Pao School students create poetry in motion
Pao School students study poetry throughout their time at the school, allowing them to develop a deep appreciation for the beauty of poetry and learn to express their thoughts in concise, refined language.
December 11, 2020
Character education in the classroom of society
Character education is a key part of Pao School's mission of developing whole-person education and is firmly grounded in the school's core values of compassion, integrity and balance.
December 04, 2020
Bringing future technology to the classroom
In the past, this type of sharing activity mostly involved making posters or small essays, with students giving their comments by adding sticky notes onto each-others work. "Especially for some of my Year 2s, who find writing very challenging, by hav
November 27, 2020
Pao Highlights
Just before the Golden Week break, Pao School held the first ever Pao Film Festival. The films submitted were all of a high caliber, as well as varied in content and style. They ranged from some remarkable aerial shots of Shanghai taken from a drone,
November 20, 2020
Pao School commemorates Mr. YK Pao on Founders' Day
As late autumn is upon us and across all three campuses, Pao students have been participating in the annual Founders' Day celebration. Through exhibitions and reading, they commemorate Mr. YK Pao’s legacy and his philosophies, celebrating his enduring imp
November 13, 2020
Students explore history through creating documentaries
One of YK Pao School's core missions is the development of well-rounded and inquisitive students, who can function well across different communities and cultures. An important aspect of this is the development of a strong humanities curriculum,
November 06, 2020
Pao School holds its third annual Global Education Forum
On 23rd October, Pao School held its third annual Global Education Forum (GEF) on Hongqiao Campus. The forum was honoured to welcome 11 distinguished experts from China, the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries
October 30, 2020
Mentors play essential role in Pao School's growth
Over the past 10 years, Pao School's mentor team has played an instrumental role in curriculum design, teacher training and the development of Pao School's distinct campus culture.
October 23, 2020
Pao Highlight
In September, the three campuses held the Teachers' Appreciation Lunch, a tradition that dates back to Pao School's earliest days. This year, the preparatory teams, volunteers and all PTA parents expressed their gratitude to the teachers for their hard wo
October 16, 2020