Exploring Ming dynasty history at Pao School
In 2014, Pao School was approved by the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission to become one of the first high schools to trial international courses in Shanghai. Today, the high school’s "International+" curriculum showcases the unique charact
May 14, 2021
More than one way to hit the books: Love of Reading Week
Recently, the Middle School launched a variety of “Love of Reading Week” themed activities. While students enjoyed this time dedicated to reading, the Pao Paper editorial team worked behind the scenes to keep a log of the activities and later wrote storie
May 07, 2021
Celebrating the unsung heroes of Pao School
The roles of the logistics services team at Pao School are all-encompassing, stretching from the school bus to meals, cleaning and security. While these jobs are not noticed by many, the General Service team, ayis and shifus work hard everyday to ensure
April 30, 2021
Music to our ears: Pao School’s virtuoso young musicians
Music education is not only an integral part of YK Pao School’s mission of whole-person education but also a tool with which to carve new understanding of Chinese and Western culture. Through the rich cultural history of music,
April 23, 2021
Moulding Future Polymaths
Overall, Pao School’s Year 12 students have done very well with regards to university admissions. Pao School Year 12s received 32 offers (30 in 2020) from the world’s top ten universities,
April 16, 2021
Sparking innovation through tennis and computer science
Over the past year, Joey (Y11) has been working hard, grafting away on his entry into the highly competitive Computer Science category of the 2020 S.-T. Yau High School Science Award Global Finals.
April 02, 2021
Into Songjiang | Cutting-edge technology on the sports pitch
Across all years and campuses at YK Pao School there is a strong sporting culture, formed on the back of YK Pao’s motto: Exercise persistently, use sparingly, work diligently.
March 26, 2021
Pao Highlights
On the day of the Lantern Festival, Year 2 organized a large-scale team building activity - Cultural Carnival - which aimed to help students better appreciate different cultures and broaden their horizons.
March 19, 2021
A journey of scientific discovery at Pao School
General Science is part of Pao School's core curriculum and, at the Middle School, it focuses on four main areas: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Scientific Enquiry. Scientific Enquiry cultivates myriad different key skills in students,
March 12, 2021