Pao Highlights

Date:September 24,2024


Primary School

During the first week of school, the first-year students experienced a Pao School tradition- the Sorting Hat Ceremony. As the students gathered together, the enchanted hat sorted the new students into four houses: Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter. This unique ceremony provides students with a special experience that deepens their sense of belonging.


Mr. Yat Lee's visit brought an exciting musical adventure to Year 4 and Year 5 students. As a young and talented Viola player, Mr. Yat Lee captivated everyone present with his musical talents and his performance skills. During the Q&A session, students eagerly asked questions, discussing the balance between music and life, as well as time management.

Born in Hong Kong, Yat Lee was admitted to the University of Music and Performing Arts in Vienna at the age of 17, and subsequently received a full ride scholarship at the International Menuhin Music Academy. His teachers included Vengerov, Takacs-Nagy, Causse.

He is the 2nd prize winner of the string competition in the University of Music and Performing Arts, and was a scholar of Dr. Martha Sobotka-Charlotte Janeczek Stiftung. He has performed in festivals such as Wien Modern, Allegro Vivo, Pablo Casals Festival, Gstaad Menuhin Festival, Megeve Festival, Beare’s Premiere Music Festival.



Middle School

On Monday September 9th, Pao Middle School hosted a CCA fair on campus. The CCA leaders, teachers, and volunteers carefully arranged the booths and designed exciting activities, keeping the students engaged and captivated, reluctant to leave as they moved between different CCA projects. 


The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival. To promote traditional culture, the school organized a variety of themed activities, including mooncake making with a pastry master. Special themed lunch was also provided.


Middle school offered its first parent education session of the year, titled "Cultivating Adaptability with Our Middle Schoolers”. With the guidance of school counselors, the parents identified and discussed effective strategies to support the middle schoolers through the critical transitions from primary school. The event aims to provide parents with professional guidance, while at the same time creating a platform for them to share experiences and engage in discussions that promote exchange of valuable insights.



High School

Prefects are an essential part of the high school boarding program. Each House has a strong prefect team, led by a Head Prefect, who supports the house logistically, leads house events, participates in the Xueyuan system, and serves as a mentor for the other house members. The prefect system allows the students to both help teachers with their work and strengthen their own organisational and leadership skills, whilst cultivating a sense of belonging in their boarding house.

In prefects training training this year, students navigated through four stations , each focusing on different themes ranging from house branding, teamwork, technology optimization, to community engagement. 


Students at YK Pao School recently took part in "Urban Plan," an event organized by the Urban Land Institute. This program encourages students to think critically about real world issues such as financial constraints, environmental sustainability, and cultural heritage. Through this program, the student had the opportunity to interact with industry professionals from finance, real estate, city planning, and government. 

