2024's Alumni Homecoming event

Date:July 09,2024
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"The potential impact and powerful presence that you can have as an alumni body is really quite staggering to me. And I am really looking forward to seeing your influence, your footprints, deepen and your influence to grow at the school."

—— James Lyng, High School Principal

Alumni group photos

On June 21st Pao School held its annual Alumni Homecoming event for the graduating classes of 2017-2023. Despite the pouring rain, over 100 alumni returned to campus to participate in the event. It provided a valuable opportunity for the alumni to reconnect with old classmates, revisit teachers, walk around the campus, and to engage with current Y11 students.


James Lyng, the High School principal, opened the event welcoming alumni back onto campus.


Holly Huang, High School Head of Alumni Relations, greeted the alumni

This year’s panel discussion was led by two groups of Pao School’s own alumni. The first panel was held by three former friends from the class of 2018 who successfully co-founded their own software development company for mobile Internet. The company, Gerzz Interactive, started with an interface where friends could play Halo: Murder Mystery as an online multiplayer game. It has since evolved into a new product of AI dubbing, allowing gamers to select various voices for their gaming experiences. Kevin Lin, one of the founders of Gerzz, has been selected as the winner of Forbes Asia 30 under 30 in the Enterprise Technology category.   The Gerzz founding team, consisting of Kevin, Steve, and Victor, shared insights on entrepreneurship,  reflected on their own experience, and offered valuable advice for those contemplating staring their own business after graduation.


President Xu Yongchu applauded the achievements of the alumni. She commented that the entrepreneurial journey is undoubtedly filled with hardships and challenges and, quoting a famous Chinese poem, compared the journey to "crossing ten thousand mountains with a light boat."


The second panel was an alumni roundtable discussion, which touched on the topic of careers, studies, and exploring different paths. The group consisted of Rebecca Chew from the 2023 cohort, Clementine Li and Louis Lu from the 2017 cohort, and Lin Lim and Wen Lim from the 2018 cohort, all hailing from Malaysia. Lin and Wen, who are twins, flew back to Shanghai specifically to participate in the Homecoming event. The panel provided relevant discussion for most the audience. Of the four, two are already working, with Clementine running her own company in China and Wen working in corporate in London, On the other hand, the other two are still exploring their career interest. Louis studied fashion but is currently pursuing his master’s in tech, and Lin is pursuing a master’s in finance after studying biology in undergraduate.

Alumni Homecoming-21.jpg

During the alumni roundtable discussions, conversations centered around the decisions made post-undergraduate studies, the significance of skill development during undergraduate years for current roles, the trends and challenges fresh graduates should be aware of in the evolving professional landscape, and strategies for balancing professional aspirations with personal growth and development.


The subsequent segment of the event offered a chance for networking between alumni and Y11 students. Regional alumni group meetings were held, featuring sections representing regions of various universities. With over a hundred alumni, this arrangement facilitated global networking opportunities among the attendees. The event was also designed to support Y11 students who might be feeling apprehensive as they approach the university application process, offering them a crucial opportunity to interact with alumni, gather insights on preferred locations, and explore potential universities.

Alumni Q&A

Q: What do you miss the most about Pao School life?

Clementine, Class of 2017: What I miss the most is the sense of belonging and family at Pao School. Living with a host teacher at a boarding school, you could feel the genuine care and support from everyone around you. The teachers prioritized your well-being, tutoring you, and showing genuine interest in your life. This sense of togetherness is hard to find later on in adulthood or even in a college setting.

Magic, Class of 2018: What I miss most about Pao School is the unique atmosphere created by the teachers and students. At one point, driven by my aspiration to become a teacher, I returned to Pao School as a teaching assistant for six months. This experience allowed me to truly sense the vibrancy of the school, the students, and the teachers from an educator's perspective.

Kevin, Class of 2018: Pao School Basketball Varsity Team. Playing on the basketball team with my classmates evokes a strong sense of nostalgia.

Victor, Class of 2018: The lasting bonds formed among classmates continue to endure in various forms since our graduation. Many teachers at Pao School not only excelled in the classroom but also became close friends who offered us valuable advice extending beyond academics, guiding us in matters of life and personal growth.

Renee, Class of 2020: The cultivation of sports spirit and love for art that Pao School has given me have benefited me greatly to this day.

Cora, Class of 2020: Pao School provided me with a very unique learning experience. I remember catching a fish using a basket in the rural area of Guizhou during the school's Zhixing Trip.

Q: What is the most rewarding aspect of being part of Pao School for you?

Clementine, Class of 2017: I believe that what Pao School instilled in us, and what is increasingly essential in society today, is dedication. As part of the inaugural student cohort, we observed the founder, the founding principals, and the teachers collaborating to address and resolve challenges that evolved over time. This spirit, shaped by the teachers and founders who wholeheartedly invested themselves and their efforts, profoundly influenced our emotional and intellectual development.

Victor, Class of 2018: Pao School offers a diverse community with classmates and teachers from various cultural backgrounds. Growing up in this environment during my elementary and middle school years accelerated my acceptance of diverse worlds, perspectives, and individuals.

Kevin, Class of 2018: The three values of "compassion, integrity, and balance" at Pao School hold immense significance for us. We take pride in being associated with a school that has profoundly influenced us in every aspect.

Tina, Class of 2018: Pao School taught me how to be very regulated and to live your life to the fullest. I was a lot more productive when I was in high school.

Magic, Class of 2018: What I gained the most from Pao School was a fresh perspective on education. The teachers didn't adhere to a stereotypical or dogmatic approach; instead, they encouraged us to express diverse viewpoints. They engaged in discussions with us about our perspectives, fostering an environment of open dialogue and critical thinking.

Wen, Class of 2018: Pao School is quite global, even though we are in Shanghai we have a lot of opportunities to learn about different places. I think that has been quite useful when applying to jobs, that is my unique personality when applying or doing interviews. I am a quite international person with global perspectives.

Q: What suggestions do you have for current Pao School students?

Louis, Class of 2017: Time management is crucial. Avoid procrastination with your homework and studies now to cultivate good habits for your future work life.

Clementine, Class of 2017: Physical fitness is key. Prioritize regular exercise to maintain your well-being.

Magic, Class of 2018: Enhance your social skills. Be more outgoing and engage actively to build a larger circle of friends.

Lin, Class of 2018: Experiment more and try new things and leave your comfort zone.


"Alumni Pass" mini app

The Alumni Office recently launched the "Alumni Pass" mini app. Through the app alumni can stay in touch with the school and past classmates.