Graduation Season at YK Pao School

Date:July 03,2024
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YK Pao School is truly experimental. We strive to balance new and traditional methods of teaching and learning; global perspectives and Chinese fundamentals; as well as the core curriculum and peripheral subjects. Moving forward, it is imperative that we learn from one another, respect our diverse cultural backgrounds and heritage, and collaborate to enhance the Pao School community. In the future, our students will retain the particles of Pao School, carrying our DNA and radiating across the globe. I urge you to approach new environments with open minds, embrace fresh perspectives with understanding, and tackle new challenges with determination. Regardless of your future paths, I hope each one of you embodies the resilient spirit of YK Pao and the values of our school. Let us all express positive energy and advocate for world peace. May peace and harmony prevail among all nations and their people.

—— Professor Anna Sohmen Pao


Year 12

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As another graduation season unfolds, we bid farewell to the time of gardenia blossoms. In the twinkling of an eye, the students of the graduating class from the three campuses of Pao School find themselves on the brink of entering a new chapter of their youth. On the 25th of May, 134 Year 12 graduates successfully completed their Pao School journey, and prepared to set their feet on a new path. The graduation ceremony commenced with the resonant sound of the Zhou Shan Percussion, marking this moment of completion and new beginnings.

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President Xu Yongchu congratulated the Year 12 students on their accomplishments and graduation.  She encouraged students to embrace openness and appropriateness, foster understanding and respect, seek common ground while honoring differences, and navigate diversity with grace. She underscored the importance of maintaining critical thinking, foresight, and a mindset of continuous learning. President Xu emphasized that enduring forces like friendship, family, and love remain eternal and unchanging. She highlighted the significance of embodying Pao School's core values of 'Compassion, Integrity, and Balance,' reminding students of their roots in China and urging students to strive towards becoming a bridge between China and the global community.

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Executive Headmaster Mr. Kilpatrick's address at the YK Pao School graduation ceremony delivered a message of celebration, honoring the graduating class for their hard work and achievements, while acknowledging the vital support of family, friends, and teachers. He emphasized the importance of the students’ character development during school and the role it plays in their future. “The things we have done at school: the successes we’ve achieved, the failures we’ve learned from; the skills we’ve developed and those that have moved us beyond our comfort zone; the friends we’ve made and the relationships we have had to work on, all define the experience that has shaped our time at school and the person this has allowed us to become”. ‘A school for tomorrow’s China’ continues even after graduating, and students will take the experiences they have passed through with them into the world.

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During the ceremony, teachers' representatives, Ms. Andrea Hu and Mr. Steven Varty, fondly recalled their time spent with the graduates, and conveyed their heartfelt hopes and blessings. Following suit, three student representatives Susie Sun, Nema Zhao and David Zhu delivered speeches in both English and Chinese. They reflected on their experiences at the school, expressing gratitude for the nurturing environment provided by the institution, the dedicated guidance of their teachers, and the unwavering support of their parents. Extending well-wishes to their peers, they hoped for the realization of all aspirations, the recognition of their hard work, and serendipity in their future endeavors.


Zhou Shan Percussion Performance


Piano Quartet: ‘Nandemonaiya’, Performers: Lily Yang, Callista Koon, Adelina Yang, Martina Wu

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Guqin: 'Flowing Streams (Liu Shui)', Performer: Sophia Zhou

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Musical Theatre: ‘Someone in the crowd’- La La Land, Performers: Kitty Su, Eve Xu, Sissi Zhu, Dora Zuo

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Band Music: ‘Young’, Performers: Joyce Bao, Sandy Cai, Elina Lin, Mary Wang

Pao Trailblazers Event

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Many students have completed their entire 12-year education journey at Pao School. As a customary celebration to the completion of their chapter at Pao School, the school organised the “Pao Trailblazers Event”, inviting parents and former teachers to witness the students’ growth and transformation. Co-founder and Deputy Chairman, Madame Fuyun Tan, journeyed to Shanghai just for this occasion. In her speech, she said Today, we are here to celebrate the successful completion of 12 years of continuous education at Pao School by the 16 students of the 8th cohort. She said “I hope that all the teachers and parents present will continue to be examples of exploration and innovation, guiding the children to curiosity, truth-seeking, and cognitive development. I suggest that every member of the Pao School community strive to excel and be open to learning, fostering an attitude that encourages innovation and tolerates failure. I also wish that every member of the Pao School community will always be at the forefront of the times, with endless learning and a bright future ahead."

Year 9

On June 25th, Year 9 students, teachers, and parents convened at the Songjiang Gymnasium to commemorate the successful culmination of the students' Middle School journey. A heartfelt video crafted by the students encapsulated the essence of their Middle School years, eliciting nostalgic reflections over the past four years. The band and folk music performances both put the students' talents on display and symbolized their embrace of Chinese culture, captivating the audience, it recieved resounding applause.

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Principal James Lyng of Pao School lauded the remarkable development of the Year 9 students, emphasizing their positive impact on the campus. Among the invaluable contributions he acknowledged were their contributions to drama productions, musical concerts, and sporting events, all breathing life into the school community. Their resilience and determination to step outside their comfort zones have been commendable, enabling them to discover their authentic selves by engaging in a variety of extracurricular pursuits that stretch them beyond the limits of their academic curriculum.

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Student Speech by Dylan Xu

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Band – ‘Don't stop me now’,Performers: Cadyn Koon, Chris Wang, Yihan Fei,Donald Wen, Anita Huang

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Chinese Music ‘Big Fish & Begonia’, Performers: Yutao Liu, Bobo Ma, Cassie Wang, Amy Du, Heidi Yan

Year 5

On June 26th, the Year 5 graduation ceremony concluded amidst the students’ joyful song. Through a retrospective class video, teachers and parents observed the students' transformation from young first graders into independent young adults with distinct perspectives. In the speeches delivered by the student representatives, they reminisced about the skills they had acquired through surmounting challenges and the shared delight of learning together. These experiences included research trips, camping adventures, online and offline educational activities, concerts, and even fond memories of nurturing the Q Bears back in their first year.

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Rosalie Pietsch, Primary School Principal, hopes for students to be proactive and confident when facing challenges in the future. Her hope is that the students possess a thirst for knowledge and a curiousity for the world around them.

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Mr. Philp Sohmen, Executive Deputy Chairman, extended his blessings via video. "I encourage you all to reflect on and uphold Mr. YK Pao's philosophy of 'Exercise persistently, work diligently, use sparingly,'” He said. “Let us persist in physical exercise to maintain our well-being, recognizing that fitness nurtures both body and mind, fostering resilience to tackle obstacles and setbacks. In this era of plenty, let us also prioritize frugality and environmental stewardship, contributing to the protection of our planet."

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Y5 graduates presented a choir performance, and George Ge, Edward Jiang, Serena Sun, Lucas Shen, and Emma Guo, the student representatives from each class delivered speeches.

Year 8

On 27th June, the Year 8 promotion ceremony took place on the Hongqiao campus to symbolize the students’ move to the Songjiang campus. Student representatives gave speeches to their classmates and teachers, reminiscing their times throughout the years as they move forward to their next locations. 

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Ada Wang, Middle School Principal, emphasized the significance of a strong bond in parent-child relationships for middle schoolers. She highlighted the value of respect and support as a solid foundation for their future paths.

The Year 8 students showcased their talents with a piano solo, an orchestra performance, and a special show by the advanced string players. Pao Middle School wishes the 2024 Y8 class all the best as they move onto the next step.

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Year 8 students presented piano solo, orchestra and string performances and student representatives Jolie Zhou and Kenny Lin delivered speeches.