The House Sports Day came to Pao School

Date:April 28,2023
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House Sports Day came to Pao Middle School! On the day, the students were buzzing with excitement to compete with one another. The event was particularly special as students from Hongqiao Campus made the long journey to Songjiang to enjoy the sporting facilities and get a taste of the environment at the High School. The event was also a representation of Pao School students’ passion for sportsand the school’s whole-person education philosophy. It was also a reminder of YK Pao himself, who placed great importance on the cultivation of a healthy body, to the extent that his famous motto included the advice to “exercise persistently”.

The day started off with some encouraging words from Principal Ada Wang and the middle school teachers. Across the course of the day, the students took part in a variety of sports and physical challenges. In the morning, before lunch time, they were split up to simultaneously compete in games such as Jenga, frisbee, tchoukball, bridge and basketball. Then, after lunch, the students enthusiastically joined athletics activities, including the 60m race, a relay race (4x100), long jump, and a tug-of-war.



Pao School House System

At Pao School, the feeling of community and unity is tangible across all campuses. One of 

the ways this closeness has been nurtured is through the House system, which encompasses 

four different houses: Autumn, Spring, Summer, and Winter. From Primary to the High School, 

students are part of a House that includes students and staff and competes in regular 

competitions. The House system gives students the chance to develop a feeling of family 

and an opportunity to take part in activities together. Across the year, the school offers a 

large variety of events that not only include sports but also academics and other areas.


The long-awaited, long-anticipated day did not disappoint, with the activities organised into participative house competitions in the first half and elite competitions in the second half. Seeing our students compete, cooperate, and celebrate with each other was worth the wait. They competed with vigour and celebrated each other's success when faced with defeat. Truly, it is a testament to the character of our students and would have made YK Pao swell with pride if he could have seen the fruits of his vision on this wonderful day.

—— Peter Kalis

Deputy Principal Middle School 

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   Physical Challenges   



In the Jenga rounds, students were tense as they waited their turn to remove a brick from the large size Jenga tower. Each team was split into three, with students gaining a point every time they successfully used one hand to successful pull out a brick and place it at the top of the tower. After a nail-biting game, Spring House eventually saw themselves victorious.

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In the Frisbee games, each player lined up in their team and took turns to throw their frisbee into a basket. In the end, after a close game, Spring house came out on top.

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In the tchoukball challenge, students needed to line up in their teams and throw the ball onto a rebounder. It was a collaborative effort, with the next student in line needing to catch the ball on its rebound. The aim of the game was as many successful catches in a row as possible, which scored the team one point each time. However, the score went back down to zero every time the ball was dropped, or someone caught their own ball. After a very challenging game, Spring House showed off their excellent teamwork to take the number 1 spot.

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In the bridge game, the students had to take turns making their way across a makeshift bridge of mats until they reached the other side. If any student touched the floor, they were out and lost five points for their team – with the top team Winter House achieving victory after seeing the least amount of falls within their team.




In the basketball challenge, the students took turns trying out free-throws. If they managed to get the ball in the basket, they earned their team two points. After a several very impressive throws, Winter House made their house proud and took first place.

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In the afternoon, athletics took over, with the students participating in a variety of different sports. Winter House won the 60-metre race and tug-of-war, Spring won the long jump, and Autumn the 4x100 metre relay.

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60 meter race

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Long Jump

Finally, the students gathered together in their house and year groups, enjoying the festive atmosphere as teachers handed out the awards for each event.

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Sports Sprit Award Students with Principal Ada Wang