Assistant Professor from CU visits YK Pao School

Date:January 23,2017
Author:YK Pao School
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Assistant Professor from CU visits YK Pao School

Dr-Hsu-and-Headmaster-WuDr Amy Ya-Ning Hsu and YK Pao School Headmaster Wu Zijian


On November 10, YK Pao School hosted Dr Amy Ya-Ning Hsu, Adjunct Assistant Professor from Columbia University's Teachers College.


With an extensive research background that includes bilingualism, bilingual program design and implementation, ESL (English as a Second Language), and literature-based reading curriculum, Dr Hsu has over ten years of classroom experience in the K-12 setting in both public and private schools.


During her visit at Pao School's Primary Division, Dr Hsu met with Headmaster Wu Zijian as well as the principals. She also spent time with students and subject coordinators, observed classes in session, and held student focus groups for our Year 3, 4 and 5 students. Executive Principal Michael Spencer expressed his gratitude to Dr Hsu for sharing her experience and expertise in bilingual education: 'As a community we constantly find ways to improve and evolve our practice and eminent visitors such as Dr Hsu help us tremendously.'