Behind the Stage Curtain | The Making of a Drama Showcase
The pursuit of drama – and the arts – embody the heart of Pao School’s philosophy of whole-person education. Through drama, the students learn to step into the shoes of characters from all over the world
March 05, 2021
Welcome Back to School
Pao School's campuses stirred to life as students returned to school after a restful holiday.
February 26, 2021
I love Pao School | International Teachers Learning Chinese II
A core strength of YK Pao School is its openness and diversity. This can be seen in the way the international staff embrace Chinese culture, reflecting the school’s core mission to pass on traditions of Chinese culture and to foster an international persp
February 05, 2021
Professional Learning | Inspiration for innovative teaching
YK Pao School's Professional Learning Center (PLC) provides a diversified internal support system for teachers, helping them to enhance and broaden their teaching skills. In turn, teachers can then better inspire and motivate students.
January 29, 2021
Into the Classroom | Building bridges with design thinking
As technology becomes an ever more prominent part of the classroom and workplace, the development of technological proficiency has become an increasingly essential skill for students to develop. At YK Pao School this is recognised and, as such, students t
January 22, 2021
Pao Highlights
Recently, the Primary and Middle School campuses organised Special Programme Days full of diverse content, allowing Pao School students to deepen their understanding of Chinese culture outside the classroom, strengthen their hands-on skills and broaden th
January 15, 2021
Photo Album: A Song for the Class of 2020
2020 has marked the end of an era for YK Pao School’s most recent graduating class. As they left campus and started to get ready for the next steps of their journey, a group of the new alumni decided to write a song as a unique way to reflect on their tim
January 08, 2021
Pao students' music dazzles audience at winter concerts
The highlight of winter at Pao School is the annual concert. It is a chance for parents, teachers and the entire Pao School community to see the school's young musical virtuosos perform live. For the students, it is a special opportunity
December 25, 2020
I love Pao School - International Teachers Learning Chinese I
Bilingualism and multi-culturalism are woven into the fabric of Pao School through its mixed faulty, diverse student body and mix of languages. One of the school’s core missions is to pass on traditions of Chinese culture and to foster an international pe
December 18, 2020